"我们期待过多的捕杀么"?"我们希望延续么"?"生态平衡意味着什么呢"?An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of all plants, animals and micro-organisms (biotic factors) in an area functioning together with all of the non-living physical (abiotic) factors of the environment. **http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecosystem
如果过多的向植物界和动物界(Flora and fauna)持续索取,我们会发现这个世界将不是作为一个人类适宜的星球发展下去,我们在亏欠,忽略自己的生存极限,威胁我们的自身.如同鲸,自从1986限制商业捕鲸以来,越来越多国家表示响应,它引起人们注意的程度不亚于CO[sub]2[/sub] emissions& Global warming;
我们应该适当的反省内心:I hate people who don't care about our society, people who think life is just a game, its not a game it's life ... deal with it! **http://www.globalwarming.org/node/1522
但是在此我们不能遗漏和忽视的事情就是;我们值得反思么,诸如Descartes's Scepticism(笛卡尔怀疑论)中谈到:Demon
Suppose that there is an all-powerful demon who can deceive us in both our senses and our reasoning. Then we would make mistakes in logic and mathematics, while being convinced that we were right. http://www.davidchart.com/HPS/Topics/descartes.html