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[品音论乐] [绝对鸡血]David Jordan - Sun Goes Down

发表于 2009-7-1 16:25:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

David Jordan - Sun Goes Down

Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning,
Children of the moon, can you hear them all calling?
Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
Listen to their beats, can you hear them hollering?

Stop in the morning, through to the evening
Dance like you’re the only one around
Move like you want it
Go move like you need it,
Dancing it up till the sun goes down

Free your mind 'cos tonight we're gonna break it down
Shake, make it funky down
Get so high as the toxins in your body
Are the bass and the drums and the roar, roar, roar
We're right on time, and all is fine
If you've lost your senses, here have mine and..

Lose yourself in the time
You will wait till the evening time
Till the sunshine breaks.

Ahh... Come on!
Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning,
Children of the moon, can you hear them all calling?
Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
Listen to their beats, can you hear them hollering?

Stop in the morning, through to the evening
Dance like you’re the only one around
Move like you want it
Go move like you need it,
Dancing it up till the sun goes down.

Till the sun goes down…

Go Come on for this makes for hysteria
You feelin' what we bring to y’all..
Peace and love guess I get it all tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight...

Fire is burning on and there's children in the forest playing
Just come forget this to forget the "?" hun the forests prey
Yeaaah… noo noooo ...yeaaaah eeyy..

Till the sun goes down
Till the sun goes
Sun goes down
Sun goes down
Sun goes down, Sun goes down

Open your eyes 'cos another day is dawning,
Children of the moon, can you hear them all calling?
Skies open up and an angel starts falling,
Listen to their beats, can you hear them hollering?

Stop in the morning, through to the evening
Dance like you’re the only one around
Move like you want it
Move like you need it,
Dancing it up till the sun goes down

David Jordan,相当有型的年轻才子,新世代Neo-Soul乐派的完美男声!虽然来自英国,却同拥美国John Legend、Maxwell的迷人气质,调和Motown时期复古音场,添加灵魂、爵士、放克、节奏蓝调、摇滚等道地朴质声线,勾起内心对情爱世界蠢蠢欲动的阵阵波涛。
  英国曼彻斯特的母亲与印度加尔各答的父亲,身上流着的混血品种,虽然让David相当引以为傲,他的学校生活却如同局外人般遭受冷落,过了一段不是很快乐的日子,活在属於自己一个人的孤单世界中。自小就对音乐产生兴趣,当同学们纷纷迷恋时下最夯的Grunge、House以及Hip-Hop等乐派,David却由母亲那里追寻著大量老灵魂乐章,尤其Marvin Gaye、The Jackson Five、James Brown都是他爱不释手的作品,甚至Jimi Hendrix、Guns N` Roses、Prince、Lenny Kravitz等摇滚群星,也是David积极搜括的目标。直到离开学校,反而结交许多视野更为辽阔的音乐同好,也逐步朝著音乐梦想前进。
   现年21岁的David Jordan,如愿以偿的发行个人首张专辑【Set The Mood】,让那些从小取笑他的同学们刮目相看。David负责10首歌的创作,精挑出的第一支主打“Place In My Heart”,透著80年代Synth-Pop合成舞曲音频,David漂亮且不过份的真假音转换,伴随在强大电吉他的摇滚声浪中,不断高涨起伏着;搭进蓝调放克音网的“Sun Goes Down”,丰富多变的编曲流露异国之情调,热闹饱满的拱出相当完美且过瘾之韵律;充满激动活力节拍之“Love Song”和“Move On”,调和许多明亮电子声效辅佐,同时不失追求摇滚的速度感,Soulful演唱方式更挟带强而有劲的力度;感动温馨的以空心吉他揭开序幕之“Sweet Prince”,渐层式加上弦乐与钢琴拉奏衬入,道出David对姐姐的宝宝出生之喜悦;受到福音歌曲影响的“Only Living Soul”,壮阔的编曲与和声堆叠,一再兴起澎湃激昂的聆听悸动。这位天才小子有著过人的创作才华与演唱实力,是2008年第一位值得你注意的优质新秀 !

发表于 2009-7-1 17:32:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-1 17:54:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-1 21:29:57 | 显示全部楼层
很好听哈 感觉听过这调  
发表于 2009-7-1 22:27:48 | 显示全部楼层

回 2楼(MiE) 的帖子

我知道了 小鸡蛋= =  

不错啊这首歌  兄弟
发表于 2009-7-2 14:26:04 | 显示全部楼层
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