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2007年度《美国偶像》冠军Jordin Sparks夺冠单曲This is My Now

发表于 2007-8-6 08:34:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

美国时间2007年5月24日晚上,全球关注的第六季《美国偶像》在好莱坞柯达剧场进行了最后一场的总决赛,年仅17岁的黑人女高中生Jordin Sparks凭着高亢嘹亮的声线和永不言败的精神,凭借这首This Is My Now击败以娴熟的口技为人熟知的帅哥Blake Lewis ,以7400万的票数登上冠军宝座。这首This Is My Now实在是令人震撼,没想到美国偶像大赛的这些业余选手实力竟然如此之强。在此隆重推荐给大家,一定要听哦。
          视频中看到Jordin萨儿唱这首THIS IS MY NOW唱到尾声的时候,她自己竟不知不觉已然热泪盈眶。或许连她自己都无法相信,那一刻为何会如此激动……
    其实很多人包括那些外表看似冷漠的人内心深处都有着一根不易触及的弦,能够拨动它的无非就是情感,真实的情感。Jordin萨儿演唱时除了几近完美的音色,技巧,高低音,以及气息的控制外,演唱时感情的投入,发自内心的呼喊,在最后时刻拨动了无数人心底的情感之弦,点燃了场内外的激情。那一刻,她,就是一个BOMB!This is Jordin Spark's now!
        《美国偶像》节目的最吸引人之处,就是见证了一个人梦想成真的过程,人们充分分享这个过程,无论是成功还是失败。曾经追逐过或是正在追逐梦想,因为梦想带给人们希望,带给人们愉悦和享受,而追逐梦想的人是最美丽的!真的,我是那么喜欢看到一个人经过努力实现自己的梦想。至于谁能最后夺冠,who care?
        Jordin Sparks萨儿,这位《美国偶像》史上最年轻的偶像,用自己最后时刻几乎无懈可击的完美演唱,感染和俘获了无数人的心,在成就了自己的同时,也造就了美国偶像的最经典时刻。那一刻,她是如此的美丽动人,那一刻,她的演唱是如此的touch,以至于moved people to tears! 那一刻,她就是angel!
人们会记住这个时刻的,因为This is Jordin Sparks's now!
                    Jordin Sparks,American idol! She deserve it!

There was a time I packed my dreams away.
Living in a shell, hiding from myself.

There was a time when I was so afraid.
I thought I'd reached the end,
But baby that was then
I am made of more than my yesterdays.

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around
I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubt
That was then, this is my now.

I have to decide,
Was I gonna to play it safe.
Or look somewhere deep in side,
Try to turn the tide,
And find the strength to take that step of faith.

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around
I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubt
That was then, this is my now.

And I have the courage like never before, yeah.
I've settled for less now I'm ready for more,
Ready for more.

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubt
That was then, this is my now.

I'm living in the moment
I look around I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubt
That was then, this is my now.
This is my now
发表于 2007-8-6 08:35:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-6 09:18:19 | 显示全部楼层
支持有实力  歌很好听啊
发表于 2007-8-6 10:22:55 | 显示全部楼层
我觉得是歌写得好...Blake那个版本的this is my now也满好听的
发表于 2007-8-6 21:20:48 | 显示全部楼层
多变~ 三张照片赫然三个人阿...
发表于 2007-8-7 12:13:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-7 19:33:17 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-8-8 19:39:42 | 显示全部楼层
不错不错啊  早就喜欢了 顶个
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