呵呵,会比较失望,Rolling Stone对新专辑的评价只有 2 颗星
以往评价回顾:NG(1颗星)   B&B(3颗星)   Millennium(3颗星)
Backstreet Boys - Unbreakable (2 stars)
There are only four of them now, and two are in their thirties, butthey are still Boys, and they are more thoroughly bland and cheesy thanever. Like the Boys' 2005 comeback album (Never Gone — surely you haven't forgotten), Unbreakablemakes small nods to adult pop, peppering the processed music withtasteful piano and light guitar riffs and keeping bright, danceablegrooves to a minimum. But the material stinks worse than ever. Songslike "Something That I Already Know" are all lovelorn sentiments andgiant, slick power-ballad choruses. "Trouble Is," another big balladwith a mildly rootsy groove, could actually do well on country radio,where melodrama rules, and things improve slightly when the Boys crankup the tempos on songs like "Any Other Way," a light funk rocker with acatchy minor-key tune. Still, there's just no saving "Love Will KeepYou Up All Night" and "Helpless When She Smiles," the titles of whichalone should give you an idea of how little the Backstreet Men have tooffer.
原文:http://www.rollingstone.com/revi ... 7118323/unbreakable
然而同时发行的Briteny的新专辑 Blackout 为 3.5 颗星
Britney Spears - Blackout (3.5 stars)
http://www.rollingstone.com/revi ... w/17118068/blackout |