If you didn’t know the Backstreet Boys were still making music, you might be very surprised to find out the now-foursome’s seventh disc is the best album of their career, not only because it contains eleven great tracks of synth-loving, harmony-laden, danceable tunes, but because it doesn’t contain any bad songs either.
BSB的“This Is Us”,得分为4颗星
“This Is Us” by Backstreet Boys
4 out of 5 stars
在2005年——2007年间,他们发行了Never Gone 和 Unbreakable这两张虽然不错但算不上伟大的专辑,在这两张唱片里,他们对非主流摇滚、成人抒情和“比生命更重要”的民谣进行了尝试。当他们想要向舞曲、街舞以及 R&B 转型并且同T-Pain 和 RedOne等人合作时,许多人都说BSB故作姿态。一些人则认为这张专辑将会完全失败。
In 2005 and 2007, respectively, the two previous albums by the Boys (Never Gone and Unbreakable) were two good-but-not-great trials through alternative rock, adult contemporary and larger-than-life balladry. It would be easy to call the Boys posers when they decided to make the jump to an album of smooth dance-pop, hip-hop and R&B a la producers such as T-Pain and RedOne (producer of Lady Gaga’s record The Fame). Skeptics of the band supposed this album would be a complete disaster.
事实上,这张专辑非常成功,其成功以及对歌迷们的影响甚至远远超过了他们的巅峰之作——Millennium,TIU拥有11首不可思议的好歌,几乎对每个听众都别有意义。前3首单曲,从舞曲风格的“Straight Through My Heart,” 、感情丰富而又严谨的民谣——“Bigger,”(由长期同他们合作的Max Martin制作)、典型的R&B歌曲 “Bye Bye Love.”
This Is Us¸ however, is a complete success. The Boy’s latest work reaches a level of extreme greatness and fun that will have an impact on listeners even greater than their mega-hit Millennium. Filled with eleven surprisingly great tunes, Us truly has something for everyone. The first three songs (reportedly the first three singles) range from the dance-club rave of “Straight Through My Heart,” the emotional and restrained balladry of “Bigger,” produced by longtime-collaborator Max Martin, and the bumping rhythm-and-blues of “Bye Bye Love.”
这张专辑的最大的优点之一是首首歌曲都有成为单曲的实力。例如,“All of Your Life (You Need Love)”是一些乐迷第一时间购买他们的新专辑的原因,从开始到结束都伴有优美的钢琴伴奏,这是他们录制的最欢快的歌曲。
One of the great attributes of the album is the “filler” songs are actually as good as the singles. Songs like “All of Your Life (You Need Love)” are the reason why people buy albums in the first place. Non-stop piano fun from start to finish, “All” is likely the happiest song the Boys ever recorded.
很不幸,早先一些歌曲的泄漏使得一些好歌未能出现在专辑里,这些泄漏的歌曲包括专辑中最好的3首歌曲,“Masquerade,” “Shattered,” 和 “This is Us,”三首精心创作、流行味道十足、感情丰富的好歌。但这3首由于泄漏的只是未经混音的版本,在经过一系列的混音和加工后,最终还是被收录了。 “Masquerade,”这些后期加工使得这首歌曲更加有魅力,唯一的争议是他们和声不那么突出了。“This is Us”没怎么改变,但最终版本略显浮夸。“Shattered,” 的结尾几句分配的不是很好,Brian Littrell声音不见了,这让歌词变得很苍白。这些不利因素使得This Is Us不会成为今年最佳的POP专辑。
Unfortunately, the mid-summer leak of the album gave listeners some great songs that didn’t appear on the album even though they deserved to. The leak also revealed the album’s best three songs, “Masquerade,” “Shattered,” and “This is Us,” three raw and powerful songs with perfect writing, pop knowledge and a great sense of emotion. But these unmixed versions of the songs ended up receiving big makeovers before hitting stores, which mainly included adding more Auto-Tune and stuffing in more synth parts. In “Masquerade,” the changes make the song even stronger, where the only issue is the harmonies are harder to hear. “This is Us” remains mainly the same, but the end product is a bit too glossy for its own good. “Shattered,” however, gets the bad end of the deal. Brian Littrell’s original vocals get washed away in Auto-Tune, and the emptiness the lyrics were supposed to portray gets filled with noise. Altogether these flaws keep This Is Us from being the year’s perfect pop album.
我强烈建议您购买这张专辑(你还可以在YouTube上购买“ All in My Head,” “ Helpless,” “ Fallen Angel” 和 Ne-Yo制作的 “ Trouble”等几首附加曲目),但我要提醒你,这张专辑是慢热型的,里面的许多歌曲在你听了很多遍后才能找到感觉。但这是好的POP专辑的标志:你需要时间来认识这些歌曲的闪光点。很多媒体,例如Slant和Los Angeles times都不喜欢这张专辑,但他们的那些批评都是些陈腔旧调,都集中在歌词上面,例如“PDA,”。如果你无视这些小“毛病”,悉心聆听这些由当代最好的歌手演绎的最佳流行歌曲,你将会发现自己在真正享受音乐,并且为自己是一个BSB歌迷而自豪。
I highly suggest you purchase this album, (and you should also find on YouTube the B-Side songs “ All in My Head,” “ Helpless,” “ Fallen Angel” and the Ne-Yo produced “ Trouble”), but I warn you that this album isn’t immediately gratifying. Many of the songs will take multiple spins before the gears start clicking. But that is the sign of good pop: it takes time for the songs to open up and reveal their goodness. Some critics, such as Slant Magazine and the Los Angeles times, didn’t like this album, but their complaints were the same complaints I had upon listening to the album once. Most of their words concerned the lame lyrics, such as in “PDA,” which in spite of being a great song talks literally about public displays of affection. If you can get past these tiny “problems” and see that these are great pop songs performed by some of the best singers in the business, than you will be extremely pleased and proud that you have returned to the Backstreet.
个人认为本张专辑的最佳歌曲是: “Straight Through My Heart” “PDA” “Masquerade”
Best Songs: “Straight Through My Heart” “PDA” “Masquerade”
来源:http://www.therideronline.com/en ... reets-back-alright/ |