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发表于 2008-8-1 12:54:50
2008-07-31 JT有望主持明年奥斯卡
Justin Timberlake proved himself so well as host of the ESPYs this month, that he's being asked to host next year's Academy Awards! That's a huge honor!
Members of the academy are apparently sure that JT has what it takes to boost ratings for the 2009 show, and bring in younger viewers.
Justin is reportedly considering the idea, and if he doesn't end up accepting, Tina Fey is on deck! Two great performers! They can't go wrong with either of those two!
Justin Timberlake通过上个月在ESPY大奖风趣幽默、博得满堂彩的主持证明了自己在主持方面的才能与天赋,近日更有消息称Justin已经受到了奥斯卡的邀请,希望他担任奥斯卡奖的主持人!这对他来说将是个莫大的荣誉!
据说Justin正在考虑中,如果他最终不能够参与的话, Tina Fey也正蓄势待发! 他们两个不论谁都非常值得期待!