发表于 2009-6-17 21:57:14
Nick,do you see this post? I don't know whether you see it or not.See!
It seems like nobody likes you at all , they just criticize you. think you can't sing well.especially when you are in live.
do you think they are right?or just the opposite?
so , I have nothing to say to you .you know you gatta do something to show yourself ,to show you are great!
....... 黑一个人不代表不喜欢那个人,上面很多人都说了“谁没缺点”,圣人也有缺点,更何况根本没有圣人,他们几只都有缺点,只是这个贴子的主角是胖子同志而已,难道喜欢BSB就只能捧着他们,就不能批评他们吗?
要是其他别的人我才懒得去黑呢。 |