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304 Reasons We Love Nick

发表于 2005-12-17 15:04:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The way he spells his name
My favorite quote... “Do you have any tattoos?” from the 1st bsb home video...you all know what he says after that
Loves the ocean
Owns a Prowler, but never drives it
He got stuck on his surfboard during the 1st Albany, NY show and was sooo embrassed
Thanked Nsync and Britney in his AMA acceptance speech
How Sexy he looks in those glasses
His new hair cut is sooo cute! it’s about time!
But he still looks great with that messy, huge hair..think Grammy’s this year
He’s the perfect height
We never see him without his shirt on
Loves all sports, especially Basketball
The braided hair in the Disney Special
How he never let us see his but on MTV bsb live May 16
How on that same show he kept hitting the buzzer but he didn’t have a clue about any of the questions.
Looks awesome during Show me the meaning in concert when he does that dance with the girl dancer!
HE DOES drive a fancy car
He’s puppies...they are soooo cute!
He describes himself as a modern day hermit
How on most days he just doesn’t care what he looks like, but still looks perfect
How much he loves his family
How he always talks about Journey and Nirvana
The whole Don’t want you back dance!
The 33 shirt he wore on the last tour
How he use to always dump water over his head!
His cool signature
How he’s only 20
Remember when he swung on a vine for the Millennium TV commercials?
He plays the drums
How we’ve all grown up with him and watched him grow
Remember when he was so little and skinny?
His voice during “let’s have a party”

He collects beanie babies
His gorgeous eyes
He admits to wearing make-up and dying his hair...Do we care? No
He how really wants to go to college and play basketball
How when he was younger he was considered a “geek”
Remember Nick and the Angels?
Dressed up as Dracula when he was younger
He looked like Charlie brown when he was a baby
He says he’ll date a fan
Imagine kissing him (he says he’s a bad kisser... yeah right!)
He use to share a room with Aaron
He had to do chores
He’s the baby of the group
He dressed up as a mummy
When the guys pushed him out of the dressing room in just his boxers
When he pranked called britney spears last week
He’s always playing practical jokes
Always smiling
How he wears his baseball hat crooked
How he is now producing for people
He owns a boat
He surfs the web
His birthday is January 28,1980 which makes him an Aquarius
He lives in Ruskin, Florida not Orlando
He’s a great big brother
You can tell how much he loves the other guys in the band
How he says that sometimes the guys in the band are his only friends
How’d he rather stay in his hotel room and “chill” instead of partying
He’s a junk-food junkie
Remember him with long long hair (a night out video)
Remember the teen people picture when he was hanging upside down in the pool from the diving board with that cute smile?
He wears awesome clothes, ie. Club Monaco and Versace (yes!)
He’ll always be crazy!
The dance he does with Aj during Quit Playin on the new tour
Frick and Frack hats
How he called Howie a Dumb ass
How he hit that high note(opera) and the lights came crashing down
How he had all his stuff stolen in Europe =(
His first concert was to his mom on a tree stump
Loves Mcdonalds
Hates flying
Loves Christina Ricci
Favorite holiday is Holloween
Fav video game is Kid Nicky
No one can beat him at video games
Listens to rap music
So what if he’s not as buff as Kev! he’s still cute!
Always falling down on the stage
The whole Quit playing games video WET NICK in the background
In the all access video “When you come to LA you have to dress like this.....
How he now wears wife beaters to show off his tattoo
His 3 cool tattoos...
How he had to put a gate up because people stole his grass
How he gets embrassed when you call him sexy
He’s gotten into physical fights with the other guys!
How he sometimes wears Aj’s cowboy hats sideways!
The rap he does with Howie
How he loves the beach and walking on it at night
How he wants a girl who will just let him kiss her and kiss her
How he’s never done anything super romantic
How he’s not sure he’s been in love
How he always had that attuide of tough looking in pictures (MOM)
How cute he looks when he’s sleeping...”ssssshhhh nick carter is sleeping”
The prologue he wrote to his mom’s book
He wears boxer briefs
Remember the day he didn’t go to mtv with the guys cause he was sick and he called in? he sounded so sad!
Cause he is having fun and doing what he loves
He truly loves all his fans and we all love him sooooo much!
The following are from Chi
 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-17 15:06:19 | 显示全部楼层
Nicky started out as a little boy singing on a tree trunk to the blades of grass, to us screaming fans!
His soulful voice, especially his little wooooooooo solo in \"As Long As You Love Me\"!
His Charlie Brown shaped head when he was a baby!
His love for the beach (can\'t u just imagine sitting under the moon and stars with this boy?)
He\'s a sports fanatic! This boy has hella jerseys!
The sexy way he sings \"If You Want It To Be Good Gurl (Get Yourself a Bad Boy)\"!
This boy knows how to cook!
With all that success and attention, his head is still on straight!
The way he says I love you in German!
The way he says I love you in French!
The way he says I love you in anyway!
Even when times were rough as a kid, he still kept trying to become a star
He used to play in the mud with BJ
The way he puts his hair.. in anyway, he still looks cute!
He looks for the inside of the gurl, and says looks don\'t matter
Our baby can dance!
How he looks so adorable with his hair in a \'fro
He\'s not too old to collect Beanie Babies!
He watches over his brother all the time!
He always wants to try new things!
The cute way he plays with his pugs!
He doesn\'t care what he looks like, he just wants to be himself, and we still love him!
\"Don\'t wanna hear you saaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!\" enough said!
How mature he was to thank Britney and *NSync at the Billboard Awards!
No matter how many times he says the words \"Ya know\" it still doesn\'t annoy us!
How he sings, \"Every kiss, and everyday, I love you girl in everyway...\" in \"No One Else Comes Close\"!
He\'s freaking H-O-T.. hot!!!!!!!
The way his lips always curve into that Carter Smile no matter what!
The adorable way he tries to break dance!
The way he acts like a total idiot, but hey, he\'s our idiot!
\"Baby, it\'s the way he makes me, kinda get me go crazay never wanna stop! It\'s gotta be Nick!\"
Even if he\'s a little airheaded...yenno hitting the buzzard w/o knowing the answer...we still love him!!
His undying love for us... and he always tells us!
His picture on the cover of Teen People for the 21 hottest stars Wahoo!
How he shakes his bootie during \"Let\'s Have A Party\"
The way he sings and we can\'t figure out if it\'s \"Guilty roads\" or \"beauty roads\"
The way he sings \"Being lonely!! oohhh oohhh ohhhh\" at the Grammy\'s
The way he donates loads of money to his favortie charaties
The way he DJ\'ed for 93.3 FLZ
The way he totally punked Justin when he called Britney and never let Justin talk
The way he made fun of Britney\'s \"silicone valley\"
The adarable way he looks in spandex
The way he messes up when he talks and get\'s all bug-eyed
The way he sings along with Tony Bennet in \"Swingin on a Star\"
The way he stuck his sticker on his partner\'s head in BSB weekend
The way he sings \"And you\'re the answer to my prayers from up above\" in \"From This Moment On\" with Shania Twain
The way he got in a fight with everyone BUT Brian
The way he freaked the camera\'s at my concert
The way he wanted his comic idea to happen so badly...and it finally did!
The cute \"who me?\" look he gives in \"As Long As You Love Me\"
The way he cries and hits the wall in \"I\'ll Never Break Your Heart\"
The way he loves his prowler... but never drives it
Because he\'s a \"modern day hermit\"
Because he\'s too young to sue the Wrights or Pearlman (or as I like to call him, Fatty)
The way he and Howie pretend that they\'re punk kids who sing in the \"back streets\" to stop fights (Teen Magazine)
The way he loves to \"get a laugh out of things\"
Because he named the five original Spice Girls \"Leaky Spice, Freaky Spice, Jody Spice, Jeffery Spice...\"
Because he thinks \"Just a little kindnes can make such an impact\"
Because he wants to win the Life Time Achievement Awards, and he\'s only nineteen
Because he serenaded his mom with \"Bridge Over Troubled Water\" when he was nine
Because he\'s still embarassed about his being locked out of the dressing room in his underwear
Because he ran away from his mom to play Pac-Man
Because he loved the elderly people who lived with him like family
The way he sings \"Donde Quieras Yo Ire\"
Because he just wants to \"kiss her, kiss her, kiss her and kiss her\" (her being me of course!)
Because he knows that milk does a body good
Because he always knows that there will always be the Backstreet Boys
The way he says \"That\'s a hard question\", when it\'s not
Because he always makes us weak in the knees
The way he shakes his head right before a diffulcult dance move
The way he pours water over his head in concerts
The way he\'s so playful on stage, yet so shy in interviews
Because he still calls his mom \"mommy\"
The way he blushes when we talk about his beautiful butt
The way he\'s always getting up close and personal witht he audience
Because he\'s kinda slow
The way he laughs like a lunatic sometimes
The way he can give you once glance and make you melt
The way he saved the girls life in \"Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely\"
Because he always tries other peoples\' dishes, but no one can ever touch his
Because he sometimes looks \"chub-chub\"
The way he tries to look tough... but it always goes soft
The way his hair used to fall in his eyes
The way he used to sweep them out of his eyes
Because he\'s always playing with Brian
The way he sings/yells in \"Don\'t Wanna Lose You Now\"
The way he sings \"Sexuality\"
The way he can look so serious and sad in \"I Need You Tonight/Heaven In Your Eyes\" but light up during \"Let\'s Have A Party\"
The wah he dances to the \"Howie Deeeeeeee\" song at the Bowling Alley during the Disney Concert
Because he \"bites [his] nails, oh no!\"
Because he\'s obsessed with the computer game \"The Sims\"
Because he calls himself \"D.J. Kid Nicky\"
Because he pleaded the fifth when asked which he\'d rather date, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Mandy Moore, or Jessica Simpson
Because he accidentally cusses in the \"All Access\" video
Because he yawned in \"Fanatic\" and got caught
The way he looks in water
The way he said \"I don\'t have a sex life\" when asked \"if tattoo\'s improve your sex life\" (this was when he was 16 or 17)
Because he still gets nervous before shows
Because he always gets mad at Howie when Howie \"can\'t even say it right\"
Because he holds the Mario Kart Title over Brian
Because he\'s Nickolas Gene Carter... both the Backstreet Boy.. and.. just.. the boy
The following are from Rachel

His eyes
His smile
His lips (yuuuuuummmmmm...)
His hair (I like it better short)
His laugh
His butt (oh yeah)
The little gap in his teeth
Because he and Brian are Frick and Frack
Because he loves to play video games (me too - Coincidence? I think not)
Because he scrunches up his face when he sings (sooo cute!)
Because he loves his family so much
Because he is really close with Aaron and loves to play with him
His voice
The way he sings \"I need you tonight\"/\"heaven in your eyes\"
The note he hits when he sings \"pain\" (I know that we have been through so much PAIN) in I need you tonight (soooo sexy!)
Because he is constantly licking his lips in the \"night out\" video (again, too cute!)
The way he pretends to be putting chapstick on the camera in the \"night out\" video
Because Brian is his best friend
Because he \"resigns\" in Florida
Because he\'s always trying to pull practical jokes
The way he likes to fall on the floor at concerts
Because he almost drops the hat in the \"Homecoming video\" \"All I have to give\" hat dance, but recovers
Because when he gets lost on the dances he just stops for a second and stands there looking confused
Because when he forgets when Brian\'s birthday is and Brian gets pissed, he says, \"I am so bad at numbers. I don\'t even know my parent\'s birthdays.\"
Because when he then remembers Kevin\'s birthday, Brian gets even more pissed
The way he sings \"to you\" in \"All I have to give\"
Because he\'s a \"Bad Boy\"
Because he\'s really messy
Because he can be grumpy in the morning (awwww... does someone need a good morning hug?)
Because he gets really homesick when on tour
Because he went to surpass Aaron when they hadn\'t seen each other for a long time - they both cried!!!! How cute?!!!!
Because he\'s not afraid to cry
Because he\'d \"love to take a girl for a barefoot walk on the beach.\"
Because he loves comic books
Because he rocks at the drums!
Because he says \"My family comes first before anything. They are everything to me.\"
Because he gets zits too
The way he looks soooo cute while he does the \"as long as you love me\" chair dance
Because he leads an army of robot dancers in the \"larger than life\" video
Because he can admit that he\'s not perfect
Because he likes Metallica (that\'s for you, Cam)
Because he loves the Simpsons
Because one time when Howie was snoring he stuck a Kit Kat bar in his mouth
Because he always wins at Nintendo
Because he says \"the day I find the girl of my dreams I would spoil her rotten.\" (I\'m right here!)
Because \"love is not something you have, it\'s something you do.\"
Because he admits that he has to dye his hair
Because Aaron says that he picks his nose (wait... is that a GOOD thing?)
Because sleep is so important to him
Because he is the CUTEST sleeper!!!!!!
The way he\'s the only one sleeping in the trailer during the \"as long as you love me\" shoot on the all Access video
Because he has the biggest feet (hmmm you know what they say...)
Because he wants to \"be crazy forever.\"
Because he says he would never leave the house without his shoes
Because he would be the \"monkey\'s trainer\" (what?)
Because \"sometimes good looks come in handy.\" (sigh... Nick)
Because he\'s playing with bubbles in the \"I\'ll never break your heart\" video
Because he went skinny dipping
Because \"rainy days and cloudy days make me sad but you make me happy\" (aawwww....)
Because he can be shy around girls
Because \"I\'d feel most relaxed crying in front of my mom or the guys\" (what a softie!)
The way he sings \"what a lie\" and \"you and I\" with AJ in \"10,000 promises\"
Because he says \"Every day, I get a lot of hugs from fans and the guys, but I don\'t get a proper hug every day - I wish I did!\" (that\'s what I\'m here for...)
Because he posed for rolling stone in his skivvies - how risqué! (I know, I know, so did the other boys...)
Because he says \"I always mess up. I\'m sorry!\"
Because he thinks about what he ate before a show.
Because \"a day without sun is like... night!\"
Because he sings with so much emotion
Because he has that sexy tattoo around his arm (that design thing)
Because he looks so cute when he wears glasses
Because he doesn\'t think he\'s a good kisser (maybe he needs lessons...)
Because his nickname is Mr. Hyperman
Because he\'s just so darn cute!!!!!!!!
Because he plays the drums in concert
Because he wouldn\'t pose for playgirl (damn)
The way he smiles in the \"All I have to give video\"
The way he looks kinda possessed when he says \"Orlando...\" in the Homecoming video
Because he says, \"sometimes if I don\'t think about the room being dark, and Martians in the closet, I can go to sleep real easy. But I\'ll never hang my feet off the bed - I\'m afraid little green men will bite my toes -really!\" (me too!!)
Because loneliness has always been a friend of his
Because we are larger than life
The way he looks in a hat
Because he looks sooo cute in a bandana
Because he\'s sexual (um, yeah)
Because when he dances, he always looks at the floor and concentrates
Because he enunciates when he sings
Because when he sings, he exaggerates his lip and mouth movement, and you can always see his tongue - you can see his tongue forming the words (make sense? Just watch him sing - especially in the night out video)
Because he kicks ass at basketball
Because he looks so cute when he\'s all wet and singing in the \"quit playing games\" video
Because it took him a while to grow into his nose
Because he is not perfect
Because he doesn\'t have his ears pierced
His shoulders
The way he pretends to be driving when he sings \"I don\'t have a fancy car\" in \"all I have to give\"
Because he falls when he goes bowling with the guys on the Disney concert special
Because he never got to go to high school (poor Nicky)
Because he doesn\'t like to be called Nicky
Because he always gets so sweaty while on stage
Because he looks great in anything he wears
Because his nickname is Kaos
Because he is just sooo hot
Because (in my opinion) he is waaaayyyyy cuter than Justin Timberlake
这是个歌迷写的,其实喜欢他没理由,最后一句cuter than Justin Timberlake让我很开心哦,呵呵
发表于 2005-12-17 15:12:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-12-17 15:21:50 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-12-17 15:22:29 | 显示全部楼层
[em26][em26]HATES FLYING.......
发表于 2005-12-17 17:48:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-12-17 18:27:07 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-12-17 18:28:51 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-12-17 18:30:24 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2005-12-17 18:46:34 | 显示全部楼层
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