1 要和舞台上的BSB呼应.在此轮NG巡演中,有几首歌BSB会把话筒指向观众,让观众一起唱.分别是<I want it that>整首;<the one>中间过渡的you need me, like I need you, we can share our dreams coming true, I can show you true love means, just take my hand baby please; <incomplete>第一段最后两句I've tried to go on like I never knew you,I'm awake but my world is half asleep ,I pray for this heart to be unbroken,, but without you all I'm going to be is incomplete ; <everybody>里的几个yeah.
特别是<I want it that way>,第一段最后一句I want it that way, 和后面过渡段tell me why ain’t nothing but a heartache, tell my why ain’t nothing but a mistake, tell my why I’ll never wanna hear you say, I want it that way, BSB绝对是让观众唱.因此建议这首歌大家要跟着他们从头唱到尾,声音一定要大.
另外,注意听BSB说的话.<The one>里他们会要求观众把手举起来跟着节奏鼓掌,<everybody>里要大声尖叫.所以要听从BSB指挥,掌声和叫声随叫随到.
提供一个NG意大利巡演的现场I WANT IT THAT WAY。我们要向意大利的歌迷学习!
19.3M 2005-10-10 - Milan - 08 - I want it that way.wmv
文件提取码: 8148138875816024
2 不许向舞台上投掷荧光棒!如果你十分想让BSB得到你的某件东西,可以扔玩具,毛巾,鲜花,甚至是bra和underwear,但是绝对禁止扔荧光棒!
3 不要舍不得你的嗓子,该喊该唱的时候就要大声唱出来.别管你旁边的人是不是会有奇怪的眼光看着尼.他们又不认识你是谁.BSB的演唱会是个热闹的大PARTY,不是安静的交响音乐会.而且你的热情能感染那些本来不好意思折腾的人,把他们也调动起来.
the call
beautiful women
more than that
climbing the walls
shape of my heart
the one
I still
I want it that way
Show me the meaning of being lonely
Larger than life
All I have to give
As long as you love me
I’ll never break your heart
Just want you to know
Crawling back to you
Quit playing games with my heart
Weird world
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-9 13:31:19编辑过] |