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发表于 2006-6-21 13:04:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
注*不知道什么时候BSB和JIVE/BMG又签了三张专辑,但无论如何,这是一个好消息。以下这段文字是Sue-J发给我的,她说她相信这些东西。在LD论坛上这些文字已经得到证实。现在外国歌迷谈论的最多的是Kevin离开后做什么 —— 而不是这个消息是不是假的。

很明显这个话题在这一整个星期都非常受到关注. diana (LvGirL220)和我并没有发布关于太多这方面的消息, 但是现在出于一些原因, 我们觉得我们还是应该把这些发表上来.

首先必须要说明的是, 我们两个是在上个星期在Hartford和Brian就这个话题交流过的歌迷. 事情是这样的: 我们在节目开始前见到了Brian, 在Brian和3个其他歌迷会面过后, 他走了过来, 打了招呼. 几分钟后, 我提及歌迷们关心的关于Nick在电影颁奖上说到的那个”宣告”的事, Brian说后街将会进入一个新的阶段, 然后在接下来的15分钟里他又重复了大概有20遍这样的话. 我告诉他, 人们猜测最多的是说组合将只有最后一张专辑了, 他回应说并不是这样的, 绝对不是. 我问及他们和公司的合同, 他解释说后街和JIVE还有3张专辑, 但是并没有限制会在多少年内完成这3张专辑, 可能是20年也说不定, 如果他们想的话.(我开玩笑说JIVE确实会在20年只出一张专辑, Brian说不见得吧). 我问及巡演的事情, 他说他们当然希望为下张专辑做巡演. 然后他又回到关于我提到的Nick说的那个”宣告”的事情, 他说他们会以一个组合的身份来宣布这个”宣告”, 他们计划在下个月举行一个新闻发布会来说这个事情. 这个时候Diana和我就提出了是不是有人将会离开这个组合的问题, Brian的神情开始变得很奇怪……其中一个在此之前和Brian谈过话的歌迷听到这个问题后走过来说, “如果没有了你们全部5个人中的任何谁, 你们就不是后街男孩了.” Brian回应道:” 如果没有5个人我们就不会是后街男孩? 你说得对, 我们如果没有5个人就不是后街男孩了.” (他的语调听起来就是在说如果是的话这确实对他们来说会有很大的不同) 我问是不是Nick, 他很快地答道, “不不, 不是你想的那样, 因为每个人都觉得会是我, Nick, 或者AJ……” 然后我就说:”我知道也不会是Howie, 所以是Kevin.” 然后Brian确认道:”你知道我并没有说什么, 你自己猜的.” 他知道我们都有些惊讶, 我们告诉他我们确实很惊讶. 他肯定地对我们说他也一点都不想Kevin离开, 他们任何一个人都不想. 他还百分百肯定地说不会有人代替Kevin, 不会有新的后街男孩出现. 说到这里, 我们又把话题转回了下张专辑的事, 他确认他们将会在6月26日回到录音室录制新专辑. Brian对于新专辑的录制表现得非常热情, 他说他等不及要和其他成员回到录音室. 很明显, Kevin的事件是有点棘手, 而新专辑的录制则好办多了. 他又肯定的告诉我们对于要进入后街的新时段, 他们都感到非常兴奋, 但是失去Kevin共同录制专辑, 他们也很失望. 谈话继续, 但是没有再涉及这个话题.

这就是整个故事, 这就是Brian说的话. 为什么我们之前没有发布这个消息, 为什么我们没有说出来我们就是和Brian谈话的人? 很简单, 因为Brian告诉我们不要这么做. 他希望DL继续保持这样, 我很肯定他知道我们任何一个人都可能会做不到这一点. 说实话, 除了我们自己, 我并没有因为任何而发起这段谈话. 当然, Diana和我在allentown节目过后回到LD上, 看到网络上关于我们那次谈话的内容, 都感到一丝惊讶. 那天过后我们并没有对任何人说过任何关于那次谈话的内容. 我们也知道Brian除了对我们并没有对其他人透露这个消息. 我们在星期三的早上看见了Brian, 他澄清说道他知道我们并没有过失. 对于在错误的地点, 错误的时间, 引起这样的事情, 我感到非常懊悔. 但是我们也从中学到了很多东西.

我们发布这些并不希望人们会突然相信. 但是我们希望澄清Brian说的话, 事情并不是像”他说她说”那样子, 事情的结束还有很多东西存在着. 我们希望人们知道Brian对于后街的新阶段感到很兴奋, 而组合也并没有完全的破裂. 在组合出来发表官方说法之前, 请耐心等候, 不要凭他们任何一个人的行动来猜测事情. 请不要对那些所谓的”过滤者”发表了她所从某些人那里听到的东西而愤怒或指责. 这并不是他们的错. 也不是Brian的错. 他并没有想要把这个消息传扬到一大批的后街歌迷中去. 对他提出问题或在他的个人表演上做任何关于这件事情的做法都是无谓的, 特别是现在他和Johnny出现的时候, 而且做那样的事对于Brian的个人事业无疑也是很无礼的.

我在这个版面有一年了, 你们中大部分人都知道我很少对于我的经历而发表任何评论…….也知道我有过很多…… 所以我没有理由对于这件事撒谎或虚构整个故事, Diana也是如此. 我们只想阻止和Brian谈过话的那些”随意的歌迷”所做的愚蠢的事. 也许这是个糟糕的主意, 也许是个不错的方法. 没有人需要去相信, 如果我们没有和Brian谈过这些话的话, 我们会和你们所有人一样耐心的等候官方的发言. 不管情况如何, 我们确实仍然在等待着. 但是我们只是觉得, 看到Brian的话在这场特别的遭遇中纠缠不清, 而有些人因为发表了关于他们所听到的事情而被攻击, 这都很不公平. 在这些事件中, 并不是他们的错.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-21 13:16:27编辑过]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-21 13:07:58 | 显示全部楼层

what brian really said in hartford...
well obviously this topic has been pretty hot and heavy for just about a week now. diana (LvGirL220) and i have not posted very much on the subject, but we figured we should for a few reasons.

to start out, the 2 of us are the fans who brian spoke to last week in hartford about the situation. the story goes like this... we saw brian before the show and after giving 3 other fans the courtesy of having their own time meeting him, he came over, said hi, yada yada. a couple mins in, i mentioned about fans freaking out about the announcement nick had talked about at the movie awards. he said it was going to be \"a new phase of backstreet\" and repeated this about 20 times throughout the next 15 minutes. i told him that the popular guess was that it would be the group\'s final album, to which he replied NO, absolutely not. i asked about their contract, and he explained that there\'s still 3 albums left with Jive, but no time restriction to complete them and that they could make them in a span of 20 years if they really wanted to (i joked about them actually doing one in 20 years, and he said unlikely, lol). i asked about touring, and he said that they absolutely wanted to tour for the next record. he went back to what i originally mentioned about nick saying there was an announcement, and said that there is an announcement they would be making as a group, and they were planning on holding a press conference next month to talk about it. that\'s when diana & i brought up the idea of someone leaving the group, and he kind of started to get real strange... one of the other fans that had met him before we started talking to him heard us and came up and said, \"you wouldn\'t be the backstreet boys without all 5 of you.\" and he said, \"we wouldn\'t be the backstreet boys without the 5 of us? you\'re right, we WON\'T be the backstreet boys without the 5 of us.\" (which he sounded like meant things would without a doubt be very different for them). i asked if it was nick, and he very quickly said, \"noooo. it\'s not someone you would expect, because everyone would think it would be me, nick, or aj...\" which is when i said, \"well i know it\'s not howie, so it\'s kevin.\" and he confirmed by saying, \"you know i\'m not saying anything, but you guessed it.\" he knew we were both a little surprised, and we told him we were, and he assured us that he obviously didn\'t want kevin to leave either, and neither did any of them. he also absolutely 110% assured that there was not going to be a replacement, and never would there be a new backstreet boy. at this point, we turned the conversation back to the next record, which is when he confirmed they would be going into the studio for their first day of work on the album on june 26th. he was very enthusiastic about it and said he couldn\'t wait to get back in the studio with the guys. it should be noted that it was obvious that the kevin issue was a bit of a touchy subject, but working on the next album was NOT. he assured us multiple times that they were all very excited about the \"new phase of backstreet\" and working on new material, but also disappointed about doing it without kevin. the conversation went on, but was unrelated to this news.

that\'s the story. that\'s what he said. why didn\'t either of us post it before or post that we were the ones he told? simple. brian asked us not to. he wanted it to be kept on the DL, and i\'m pretty sure he knew/knows neither of us would disrespect that. plus to be honest... i didn\'t initiate the conversation for anyone but us. needless to say, both diana & i were a little shocked to come back to LD after the show in allentown the next night and see so many specific details from our conversation had somehow reached the internet when we hadn\'t spoken to anyone about it or even brought it up to brian again since that day. and we know that he didn\'t talk to other people about it by the time that it had leaked. we saw brian on wednesday morning and he made it clear that he knew we weren\'t to blame for it getting out. i absolutely regret bringing it up at the wrong place, wrong time i guess... but we learned a lot from the experience.

we\'re not posting this so that people suddenly believe it. but we wanted to clear up what was said by brian so that it wasn\'t all \'hesaidshesaid\', which is what a lot of it was ending up being. we want people to know that he was excited about new backstreet stuff and that the group is not completely breaking up. just wait until their official statement before judging any of the guys on their motives. and don\'t bash on people like \'the percolator\' for being the one to originally post what she HEARD from someone else. it\'s not thier fault. and it\'s not brian\'s fault either. he did NOT mean for it to get out to a large portion of the bsb fanbase. bombarding him with questions or doing anything during his solo shows concerning this issue is a waste at this point, especially with johnny out with him now. and IMO, it\'s disrespectful to what brian\'s solo career is all about.

i\'ve been on this board for years, and quite a large handful of you know i hardly ever post reviews of any of my experiences.. and also know that i\'ve had a lot.. so i have no reason to lie about this or make it up, and neither does diana. we just wanted to stop the madness surrounding the \"random fans\" brian talked to. maybe this is a bad idea, maybe it\'s a good one. no one needs to believe it, and if we didn\'t talk to him about it, we would absolutely be waiting for official word like all of you, and despite the situation, we still are. but we just don\'t think it\'s fair to see brian\'s words twisted around from this particular encounter and others being bashed for posting what they heard when it\'s not their fault at all, among other things.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-21 13:27:42编辑过]
发表于 2006-6-21 13:11:12 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-6-21 13:13:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-6-21 13:18:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-6-21 13:21:08 | 显示全部楼层
.... 渐渐地      很多人在我们的生命中来了 ..然后又走了
可是我觉得 ...KEVIN 会永远存在我们的生命之中...BSB也是... 因为他们是伟大的!!
 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-21 16:21:55 | 显示全部楼层
KEVIN不参加录制而已 但是应该是幕后
发表于 2006-6-21 16:39:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-6-21 17:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
哎...既然K走了 或许我们可以期待新的BSB的到来 也只有这样了
发表于 2006-6-21 18:33:47 | 显示全部楼层
Kevin 肯定会不甘寂寞的时时去录音棚转转,说不定某一天突发奇想就回来了呢。
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