说实话,那天,当Alone在MSN上“晃”我,告诉我后街终于出新歌,让我帮忙发到贴吧里时,当时那个困倦的下午啊,我突然就精神了![s02] 赶紧先下来听听....当把这首《Happy Never After》拖拽到播放器里时,期望值特别高,特别特别高...然后当音乐响起时,说实话,我已经顾不上好听不好听,眼睛里全是泪,只有两字:“感动”。
And he shattered something else
She dragged her suitcase down the path
To the driveway
She had never gone that far
Normally this would be the time that she
Would let him talk her out of leaving
But this time, without crying
As she got into her car