
楼主 |
发表于 2007-11-10 12:25:07
其实我觉得也不一定非要同一天寄出去, 每天都有人写才有用. 我的已经写好啦, 就两句话:
As a ten-year's fan of the Backstreetboys, I am sorry to notice that many fans are depressed by the 1st and 2nd singles. It is not that we don't like this elbum, on the contary, we love it so much that we all wish it could attract more people . The thing is, we all see there are many charactoristic songs in this elbum, such as Any Other Way, One In a Million, which are more "backstreet-like" than the first 2singles, and more welcomed by the mojority. I sincerely recommand them as a chioce of the 3rd single, for the boys, for the fans, for the world. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. |