One Dream for Hip-Hop
07.19, 9:00pm
歌手: XYL (加拿大) FK Moses (中国) MC Lier (中国) DJ Hanju (韩国) Cherry & Shanny (中国) Tina (韩国).
地址: 京市朝阳区麦子店街53号铂宫酒店(燕莎桥东)
俱乐部地图:http://lomaclub.zhan.cn.yahoo.co ... e_id=30300000015386
票价: 40 RMB (免费赠送XYL CD)
详细信息请致电或短信致: 135 8163 2516
XYL 网站: http://cn.xylmc.com
Canadian Hip-Hop performer XYL ('Exile') headlines this varied Hip-Hop event that features some of the best local and foreign Hip-Hop talent! Rapping, singing, dancing and DJing will be the order of the day.
Performances by: XYL (Canada) FK Moses (China) MC Lier (China) DJ Hanju (Korea) Cherry & Shanny (China) Tina (Korea).
Address: Bogong Hotel, NO.53, MaiziDian, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区麦子店街53号铂宫酒店(燕莎桥东)
MAP OF THE CLUB: http://lomaclub.zhan.cn.yahoo.com/apps/mal...=30300000015386
Entrance fee: 40 RMB (Includes FREE XYL CD!)
For more information call or SMS: 135 8163 2516
XYL Website: http://cn.xylmc.com |