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[品音论乐] 独立女王Rilo Kiley--Silver lining

发表于 2008-7-9 22:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

出自专辑“Under the Blacklight”先前的一个月一直在听。
音频下载: ... E4799052C6CE1ED.mp3
对于怀揣无限梦想的人们来说,Los Angeles无疑是集万千幸福和荣宠于一身的天堂,不仅仅是因为这里有Hollywood的纸醉金迷,有Beverly Hill的极尽奢华,有Walk of Fame的名垂青史,还有Disneyland终年无休的欢乐巡游,更重要的是,L.A.代表着一种高高在上的生活品位和我行我素的时尚态度,同时也不吝啬于给予小人物们成名在望的各种暗示和可能。凡此种种,都令从未踏上那片土地的人们憧憬着笼罩于其上的金色阳光。

     Rilo Kiley延续的就是这样一个L.A.的故事,靓女加帅哥的养眼组合更是不容错辨的注册商标。首当其冲的就是Jenny Lewis无比清纯甜美的邻家女孩牌,不知引得多少英雄竞折腰,陶醉在她的一颦一笑间迷途忘返; Black Sennet也长着一张温文儒雅,人畜无害的大众明星脸,酷酷地弹着吉他唱着歌,和Jenny Lewis携手从L.A.的灿烂阳光中走入人们的视线,在90年代末期的indie pop/rock圈共效于飞。位于副手的两枚型男:鼓手Jason Boesel和贝司手Pierre de Reeder也同样各具才华,四人的稳定阵容始于1998年,弹指间已经走过了将近一个十年,他们得到了应该得到的一切,口碑,名声和销量。

     rilo kiley的声音非一般的清新,但个别的作品中,还是带有那么一点的硬朗,曲风上面,rilo kiley主要还是以nylon guitar为主,因此很多作品中,都总有些country folk的味道,再配合上柔弱而坚韧的声线,整体感觉上,rilo kiley的作品中我们不难去感受一种积极向上的氛围,或者一些令人兴奋的曲,听完,或许之前的不快乃至悲伤,都能的到短暂的缓解,没错,短暂的缓解...
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-9 22:50:33 | 显示全部楼层

And I'm not going back into rags or in the hole
and our bruises are coming
but we will never fold

and i was your silver lining
as the story goes
i was your silver lining but now im gold
hooray hooray im your silver lining
hooray hooray but now im gold.

And i was your silver lining
high up on my toes
well you were running through fields of hitchhikers
as the story goes

hooray hooray im your silver lining
hooray hooray but now im gold
hooray hooray im your silver lining
hooray hooray but now im gold

And the grass it was a ticking
and the sun was on the rise
i never felt so wicked
as when i willed our love to die

and i was your silver lining as the story goes
i was your silver lining but now im gold
hooray hooray im your silver lining
hooray hooray but now im gold
hooray hooray im your silver lining
hooray hooray but now im gold
but now im gold
but now im gold
but now im gold
发表于 2008-7-9 22:51:05 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵,没听过,下来听听~~~~~~~~ [s:12]
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